Glamping Area





蟬說:暖流 懶人露營區6
蟬說:暖流 懶人露營區5
蟬說:暖流 懶人露營區10
蟬說:暖流 懶人露營區12
Glamping Area



可入住人數:2~4 人



訂位說明 (Booking instructions)

蟬說:暖硫 – 陽明山第一間溫泉懶人露營 2025年將全新開幕



電話:  02-2862-9588

  • 本營區因帳內空間有限,恕不提供加床加人服務。
  • 實際入住人數超過訂房人數時,暖硫無法提供服務。
  • 營帳內均提供移動式冷氣、風扇,請勿自行攜帶其他電器用品,造成跳電風險。
  • 為維護山林環境,本園區不提供非園區內提供之野炊烤肉活動。
  • 園區設有吸菸區,請詢問現場服務人員。
  • 營帳音量穿透性較高,請10點之後音量降低。
  • 藍鵲為保育類動物,請勿過度打擾及投餵。
  • 此處群山環繞,早晚偏涼,且蚊蟲較多,請記得攜帶保暖衣物。




・在入住日 90 日(含)前取消,將全額退費,刷卡、LINE Pay 會扣除訂單金額之 3% 系統手續費,匯款會扣除 30 元手續費。


・在入住日前 10 ~ 89 日(含)取消,將收取訂單金額之 3% 取消費。


・在入住日前 7 ~ 9 日(含)取消,將收取訂單金額之 25%  取消費。


・在入住日前 4 ~ 6 日(含)取消,將收取訂單金額之 30% 取消費。


・在入住日前 2 ~ 3 日(含)取消,將收取訂單金額之 35%  取消費。


・在入住日前 1 日(含)取消,將收取訂單金額之 40%  取消費。


・在入住日當天(第 0 日)取消,將收取訂單金額之 50%  取消費。


・透過 ATM 支付者,入住 10 日 ( 含 ) 前取消將收取 30 元銀行手續費用,入住 10 日內取消政策如上 ( 同線上其他支付方式 )。



  • 【備品】浴室備有擠壓式洗髮精、沐浴乳,以及毛巾與浴巾。若需其他一次性旅宿用品請洽客服櫃台。
  •    [Amenities] The bathroom is equipped with bottled shampoo, shower gel, towels and bath towels. If you need other disposable             lodging supplies, please contact Front Desk.
  • 【電源】房內電壓為220V,手機及筆記型電腦可使用原廠充電器於房內進行充電。請勿使用其他外帶進來的電器〈如: 吹風機、電動刮鬍    刀…等)。若造成貴賓物品損壞,園區將不負賠償責任。若造成房內物品損壞,園區將按價求償。
  •  [Power supply] The voltage in the room is 220V. The mobile phones and laptops can be charged in the room with the original charger   via 220V. Please don’t use other electrical appliances (such as: hair dryer, electric razor.. etc.) that are brought from outside. If your   items are damaged, the resort will not be responsible for compensation. If the equipment or items in the room are damaged, the     resort will seek compensation according to the price.
  • 【入住】平日入住時間為15:00後、假日入住時間為16:00後
  •  [Check-in] Check-in time is after 15:00 on weekdays and after 16:00 on holidays.
  • 【退房】次日上午11:00前
  •   [Check-out] Check-out time is before 11:00 am on the day of departure.
  • 【溫泉】園區每間房內均有溫泉泡澡池。提醒您患有心血管疾病者,請依醫囑及勿單人泡澡,請多注意泡澡安全須知
  •  [Hot Spring] Each room is equipped with a hot spring bath pool. Please kindly be reminded that if you have cardiovascular disease,     please follow the doctor’s advice and do not take a pool-bath alone, please pay attention to the safety instructions of the hot spring   bath.
  • 【寵物】寵物房『僅限電話預約』不接受網路訂房。攜帶寵物需支付清潔費NT600/隻/晚及押金NT500/隻/晚。若未訂到寵物房,請勿帶     寵物入住。違規者須罰NT1000/隻/晚
    [Pets] Pet rooms can be reserved by phone call reservation only. Online reservations will not work for pet rooms. Pets are required to     pay a cleaning fee of NT600 per pet per night. Deposit is NT500 per pet per night. If no pet room is booked, please do not bring pets.     Violators shall be fined NT1000 per pet per night.
  • 【餐廳】營業時間

1.早餐 07:30~09:30

2.午餐 11:00~14:00(最後點餐時間13:50)-假日&例假日不供應套餐


4.晚餐 17:00~20:30(最後點餐時間為19:20)-假日&例假日不供應套餐。
【Restaurant】Business hours

1.Breakfast 07:30~09:30

2.Lunch 11:00~14:00 (last order time 13:50) – Set menu meals are not served on weekends and holidays.

3.Afternoon tea time 14:00~16:30 (last order time 16:30)

4.Dinner 17:00~20:30 (last order time is 19:20) – Set menu meals are not served on weekends and holidays.

【入園注意事項】Precautions for entering the resort

  • 園區比山下約低5度C,記得多帶保暖禦寒衣物、帽子、圍巾…等。
    The temperature of the resort is about 5℃ lower than the city. Please remember to bring wind-proof or warm clothes, hats, scarves…etc to protect yourself.
  • 園區90%屬於坡型道路。天雨,石階濕滑,請小心走路。
    90% of the resort belongs to slope roads. After raining, the stone steps are slippery. Please pay attention when walking.
  • 夜間園區燈光較為昏暗,請小心步伐。
    The lights in the resort are dim at night. Please pay attention to your steps.
  • 全園區禁止使用炭類等明火。
    The flame-fire such as charcoal is prohibited in the resort.
  • 【交通】假日仰德大道有交通管制。請參考官網交通資訊替代道路。
    [Traffic] Yangde Avenue is under traffic control at weekends and holidays. Please refer to the official website for traffic information and convenience road map.
  • 【洽詢】如有任何問題,歡迎來電洽詢 (02) 2862-5116 轉1客服分機。
    [Contact] If you have any further questions, please dial 886-2-28625116 ext.1 for customer service.


